2014年3月11日 星期二


  最近 #300壯士 :帝國崛起 正在熱映。(以下劇透。第一集是比較符合史實的。)其中有幾幕牽涉到火攻的。因此,最近我們就從〈火攻〉篇的名句說起。片中有一幕是波斯戰艦噴出黑油的一幕,其實以影片表現的方式看來,那是行不通的。因為一支火箭就可以結束那艘戰艦了。古代希臘確實有火攻的武器:希臘火。其實就是這部片想要表達的東西。這些細節,等最近有空再寫一篇中西方火攻的文章來介紹(《中西思維隨筆》25),最近我們就先介紹〈火攻〉篇的名句吧。

  Google中翻英:The monarch can not because of anger and war, generals and not because the angry and fight; meet the national interest to do it, do not meet the national interests must be stopped. Anger can revert to the state of happy, anger can revert to a state of joy; But the state can not return to the demise of the existence of the state, dead people can not return to the living state ah! So for this thing, wise monarch must be careful, excellent generals must be vigilant, this is the way the country's stability ah!(#TheArtofWar

  A sovereign cannot raise an army because he is enraged, nor can a general fight because he is resentful. For while an angered man may again be happy, and a resentful man again be pleased, a state that has perished cannot be restored, nor can the dead be brought back to life. Therefore, the enlightened ruler is prudent and the good general is warned against rash action. Thus the state is kept secure and the army preserved.(#Samuel B. Griffith)

  No ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight a battle simply out of pique.
  If it is to your advantage, make a forward move; if not, stay where you are.
  Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.
  But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.
  Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution. This is the way to keep a country at peace and an army intact.(#Lionel Giles)


